Corporate IT Training

Training on Advanced Excel and MS Project for Cochin Shipyard Ltd employees

Training on Hardware and Networking for the Air Force personnel

WBSEDCL Corporate IT Training

3-Days Residential training programme on "Computer Application (Advanced and Basic), Soft Skill, Cyber Security, E-tendering procedure including preparation of BOQ for employees of WBSEDCL at EETI-Kolkata, Kharagpur, Burdwan, Berhampur and Coochbehar.

Computer Training For Women Employees Of Eastern Railway HQ and Howrah Division

Computer Training for women employees of Eastern Railway Head Quarter and Howrah Division under the aegis of CSBF.

Corporate Training on STADD. PRO at NFR, Maligaon

Corporate IT Training programme on STADD. PRO software for the employees of North East Forntier Railway, Maligaon, Guwahati.

Other Corporate IT Trainings

Eastern Railway, South East Central Railway Bilaspur,South Eastern Railway, NFR.
State Institute of Public Administration and Rural Development(SIPARD), Tripura
IT Training for Govt. Officials in the state of Jharkhand
Metro Railway Kolkata
Computer Training at State Crime Records BUreau, West Bengal
Computer Training Program for the staff of NFR
Air Force Station Missamari, Mohanbari and Tejpur(Assam)
Army Training Signal Area (West Bengal)
Eastern Command Head Quarter

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